The Destruction Of Jerusalem

This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, August 25, 2019, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.

The destruction of Jerusalem is one of the most significant events in world history. It is no hyperbole to say that the destruction of Jerusalem is the single most terrifying episode in the annals of military conquest. Between one and two million Jews lost their lives in this horrific Roman siege.

The destruction of Jerusalem is also one of the most prophesied events in Holy Scripture. Scores of prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments point to the destruction of Jerusalem. Sadly, these prophecies are almost universally ignored by modern clerics—or totally misapplied.

Tragically, the vast majority of Christians know next to nothing of the destruction of Jerusalem. The great truths that God taught through this seismic event are all but lost to today's Christians. The lack of knowledge and understanding about the destruction of Jerusalem is a sign of the great "falling away" that has taken place in the Church over the past one hundred years.

A proper understanding of the destruction of Jerusalem is the key to unlocking our understanding of how God symbolized the abolishment of the Old Covenant and His gift of the New, Better and Everlasting Covenant. Ignorance of what God did when He destroyed the city of Jerusalem in 70 AD is a root cause of the vast (and often crazy) misinterpretations of prophetic Scriptures running rampant today.

In this message, Pastor Chuck Baldwin expounds and explains not only the facts dealing with Jerusalem's destruction but also the great lessons and meanings that Jerusalem's destruction teaches the Church.

Pastor Baldwin considers this message to be one of the most important and powerful messages he has ever delivered.

Plus, this message contains a surprise ending that will shock most Christians. You will probably never hear another message like this one in your entire lifetime. 

This message is truly a modern classic!

To order Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s DVD message, The Destruction Of Jerusalem, go HERE.


This message is a companion to the book The Destruction Of Jerusalem by George Peter Holford, which was written in 1805.

From Pastor Baldwin: "I strongly urge everyone to purchase the book The Destruction Of Jerusalem by George Peter Holford. The subtitle of the book is An Absolute And Irresistible Proof Of The Divine Origin Of Christianity.

“This book IS A MASTERPIECE. I quoted from Holford's book several times in this message. 

"If you don't read any other book this year besides the Bible, read The Destruction Of Jerusalem by George Peter Holford."

Order the book “The Destruction Of Jerusalem” by George Peter Holford HERE.

To watch the video message just click the play button below.

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Sermons :: 15179 Views :: Published on Sunday, August 25, 2019


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