Are You Free? Stay Free!

This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, July 12, 2020, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.

Scripture Text: I Corinthians 7:20 - 24

First, Pastor Baldwin gives a historical summary of global slavery. He then shows how our Christian forebears in Colonial America gave their blood and toil to form a system of government that not only ended slavery in America but throughout the Western World. He shows how TRUE Christianity is the most powerful force for Liberty in human history.

Next, Pastor Baldwin shows how too many evangelical pastors are sedating their congregations to the Liberty fight by teaching the erroneous doctrine of a pre-Second Coming "Rapture" and other false interpretations of Scripture.

He then shows how we are "called unto liberty" and drives home the point that those of us who have been blessed to live in Liberty have a duty to God and our posterity to STAY FREE, per Paul's injunction in I Corinthians 7.

This is a POWERFUL message.

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Sermons :: 5164 Views :: Published on Sunday, July 12, 2020


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