Let's Get To Work!

This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, July 26, 2020, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.

Scripture Text: John 5:5 - 18

The sad truth is, the vast majority of Christians and conservatives are just flat lazy. The other side is winning because they are working. Talking and complaining—which is all most people do—accomplish nothing.

When Jesus healed the paralyzed man in John 5, He commanded him to "rise, take up thy bed and walk." Not just "rise and walk," but "rise, take up thy bed and walk."

By carrying his bed, the healed man risked being scourged by the Pharisees, as this healing took place on the sabbath, and the Pharisees regarded a person carrying anything a breakage of the sabbath.

In this chapter, Jesus again shows Himself to be "Lord of the sabbath." Jesus is greater than Solomon, greater than David, greater than Abraham, greater than Moses, greater that the temple, greater than the sabbath, greater than the Law.

The focus of the message is this statement by Jesus: "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work."

Christians need to get out of their beds and go to work! Most Christians think all they have to do is vote for a particular party or candidate and that will solve our problems. They are grossly mistaken.

The reclamation of Liberty in America is going to take WORK by We the People—ALL of us. Let's get to work!

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Sermons :: 3550 Views :: Published on Sunday, July 26, 2020


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