Living Outside The Beastly System And Fearing Not

This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, October 18, 2020, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.

Scripture Text: Hebrews 13:5 - 14

Once again, we find the scriptural exhortation against the spirit of fear. Yet, a majority of professing Christians exhibit a life lived in constant fear. And at no time is this more clearly evident than during an election season. Pastor Baldwin develops this thought is some detail.

He also notes the scriptural command to avoid "strange doctrines" and shows how such doctrines include the ceremonial laws of Old Testament Judaism, as those ceremonies were but a symbol of Christ. Since Christ's completed work on the Cross, to return to the symbolic ceremonies under Moses is STRANGE indeed.

And this segues into the clear teaching of this passage that people who are relying on works of any kind for their salvation are outside the household of faith and are void of Christ's redemption.

He also shows how real believers follow Christ "outside the camp," which includes outside the beastly system that surrounds us.

Plus, this passage contains yet another New Testament prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem. And in this regard, Pastor Baldwin shows how the only significance of Jerusalem to a New Testament believer is the New Jerusalem. The current city of Jerusalem is NOT Biblical Jerusalem. It is not even a Jewish city at all. It is totally and thoroughly a Roman city. In other words, as the Biblical city of Jerusalem, it is a complete counterfeit.

You will not hear a more relevant message.

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Sermons :: 5403 Views :: Published on Sunday, October 18, 2020


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