How To Face A National Crisis

This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, October 25, 2020, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.

Scripture Text: Micah 6:1 - 8

Pastor Baldwin preached this message (for almost two hours) without notes and preached his heart out.

The prophets Micah and Isaiah were contemporaries, and their books compliment each other. While Isaiah preached to Judah, Micah preached to both Judah and Israel. Both prophets foretold the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the coming of Christ.

The parallels between God's people in Israel and Judah and God's people in modern America are very striking. As with Micah's Israel, America today is facing a national crisis. And, tragically, God's people are consumed and intoxicated with the WRONG solutions—as were the Israelites.

Given the short attention span of most Americans today, this is a long message—just under two hours. But there might not be a more relevant and necessary message for America's Christians than this one. The contents of this message will be ignored to our own peril.

We urge you to WATCH THIS MESSAGE.

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Sermons :: 3942 Views :: Published on Sunday, October 25, 2020


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