Pastor Baldwin Explains How Donald Trump’s Declaration of Emergency Keeps State Lockdowns In Place

By Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, October 11, 2020, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.

Pastor Baldwin shows how here in Montana the governor’s Emergency Order expired after 30 days—which was months ago. He explains how the various county and State lockdown orders are still in place only because President Trump’s EO is still in place.

In other words, if Donald Trump truly wanted to end the draconian lockdowns and usurpations of our constitutional liberties that have taken place the past six months under the guise of protecting us from the coronavirus, all he needs to do is rescind his Emergency Order.

So why hasn’t he done it? Pastor Baldwin explains that, too.

Watch this brief video to learn more; and then investigate the laws in YOUR State, as this same scenario may be taking place where you live.

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Sunday Sermon (Epilogue) :: 240 Views :: Published on Sunday, October 11, 2020


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