Pastor Chuck Baldwin Exposes Donald Trump's Broken Promise To Protect The 2nd Amendment

By Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, August 18, 2019, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.

Donald Trump promised the American people that he would protect our 2nd Amendment. No promise Trump made was more emphatic than his promise to protect the 2nd Amendment.

But now President Trump has joined anti-gun Democrats by becoming the loudest proponent for more draconian gun control laws, including universal background checks and "red flag" gun confiscation laws.

Donald Trump's betrayal of the 2nd Amendment is inexcusable--and unforgivable.

The NRA is compromised and in complete disarray and will be no help. It is up to the people who voted for Donald Trump to stop this. If they do not rise up en masse NOW and let Trump know in no uncertain terms that he has lost their vote FOREVER if he enacts these egregious gun control and gun confiscation laws, Trump will go down in history as having enacted more communistic gun control laws than any president since Lyndon Baines Johnson in the 1960s.

In this video, Pastor Baldwin presents the clarion call for everyone in America who cherishes their right to keep and bear arms to rally en masse against these police-state gun control laws before it's too late.

This is not about Republicans or Democrats, right or left or who wins an election. The right to keep and bear arms is more important than any election and any political party. The right to keep and bear arms is about FREEDOM.

Please share this video with as many friends and loved ones as you can. We only have a short time to stop these Orwellian gun control laws from coming into existence. We only have a short time to make Donald Trump accountable to his promise to protect the 2nd Amendment.

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Sunday Sermon (Epilogue) :: 217 Views :: Published on Sunday, August 18, 2019


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